

Wastewater with high organic loading or poor aeration can lead to the following problems:

      • Odor & Hydrogen Sulfide Generation
      • Fats, Oils & Grease Accumulation
      • Sludge Accumulation
      • High COD/BOD
      • and More….

These problems can lead to equipment failure, production loss, decreased capacity, hazardous conditions, fines, costly clean-ups, septicity, etc.  Conventional treatment methods typically involve costly and harmful chemicals that often only work to mask the issue without actually solving the problem.  This puts operators in a continuous reactive state.


BioAugment products are formulated with scientifically selected bacillus strains that have been chosen for their ability to effectively:

      • digest sludge and biofilms that harbor SRB, APB and odors.
      • produce enzymes allowing for easy digestion of the substrate.
      • reduce VFA and FOG by utilizing them as a source of nutrients.
      • consume sulfur, making less of it available for conversion to H2S.
      • thrive in aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic environments.
      • adapt to changing and harsh conditions.

These unique, robust and resilient micro-organisms are enhanced with a complex blend of micronutrients and bio-stimulants providing unmatched natural and effective wastewater treatment solutions.  BioAugment products are natural, non-toxic and non-GMO.