
Water & Wastewater Treatment

The way nature intended.

BioAugment products are formulated with scientifically selected bacillus strains that have been chosen for their ability to work efficiently in a variety of applications both with and without the presence of oxygen.  These unique, robust and resilient micro-organisms are enhanced with a complex blend of micronutrients and bio-stimulants providing unmatched natural and effective treatment of:



BioAugment is formulated to enhance ammonia removal where conditions are not suitable for certain nitrification processes.


Our enzyme-producing bacteria works quickly to lower COD and BOD by breaking down organic material and turning it into water-soluble nutrients.

Hydrogen Sulfide

BioAugment products are formulated with scientifically selected bacillus strains that have been chosen for their ability to prevent the formation of H2S by inhibiting its production as well as digesting sludge and biofilms that harbor SRB and APB.


BioAugment digests fat by creating enzymes. Our scientifically selected microorganisms create enzymes that break down and digest FOGs, sludge, and VFAs.


BioAugment prevents the formation of biological acids and other odorous compounds without the need for costly chemicals or equipment.


Our scientifically selected microorganisms create enzymes as they digest sludge, FOGs and  VFAs thereby increasing their ability to digest the substrate.